Sundays @ 9:30am | Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
Crossroads Church of Denver

Love Life Ministry

"The issue isn't darkness, it is the absence of light."

Crossroads Church of Denver has partnered with Love Life Ministries to unite and mobilize the church to create a culture of love and life that will result in an end to abortion and the orphan crisis.  God is using Love Life to awaken the church. This isn't pro life activism, it is Christianity 101.  It is loving our neighbor as we love ourselves.  Whole families are being moved from inside the four walls of the church into the front lines of the mission field to:
  • PREVENT abortions from happening in your congregation.
  • PROVIDE healing for those affected by previous abortions.
  • PROTECT the unborn & vulnerable in your community.
For more info, contact Michelle Thorsen.

What is Love Life?

Love Life is a Gospel-Centered ProLife Ministry