Sundays @ 9:30am | Wednesdays @ 6:30pm

Children's Ministry

Nursery  |  Pre-K   |  1-2 Grade   |  3-5 Grade

Our Children Meet Sunday's at 9:30am, in the children's classrooms, Garden Level

Our goal at Crossroads Church of Denver is to equip the children today to reach their community tomorrow and impact their world for a lifetime.  We are a community evangelizing to children and giving them the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, and to encourage them to share their faith with their family, friends, and neighbors.   Our vision incorporates equipping parents to raise a generation of children who grow in Jesus by studying God’s Word together, praying, and discovering and developing their gifts for the glory of God as they serve Him.  It is a privilege to serve both you and your children.  

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."  (Matthew 19:14)

Director of Children's Ministry is Daminica Zamora.