Sundays @ 9:30am | Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
Crossroads Church of Denver

Revive  Student  Ministry

6th grade to 12th grade
Here at Crossroads we put an emphasis on our youth.  Our young people are bombarded daily with so much nonsense and not enough Jesus.  We aim to change that.  We want to show the loving power of God's forgiveness to today's youth as they navigate life in an unloving world.  We want to sow the seeds of love, kindness, self-esteem, and, most importantly, sow Jesus into the hearts of every youth that walks through our doors.  We believe true discipleship happens when genuine relationships are forged with peers and leaders, so everything we do is centered around the unity we have in Jesus Christ.   We love hanging out together and serving the Lord together, so be on the lookout for events throughout the year where we get together outside of our Sunday gatherings.

Our Youth meet Sunday's  @  9:30am,  in the Youth Room, Garden Level

For more info, contact Pastor Orlando Renteria
Our Youth Group took a road trip to the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky this summer.  This video is their personal testimonies on how the trip impacted their faith and their lives.