Share the Gospel Today
I was able to share the gospel with hundreds of inmates on Saturday (6/22/24) using the following information from Bill Glass Behind the Walls Ministry. I would like to share the steps with you so that you, too, can share the gospel with others!
When you share with others about Jesus, let them know:
God Loves You
Everyone Has a Problem
God Has a Solution
Tell them:
The Bible, God's Word, promises if you will believe in Him and receive the gift of salvation He offers, He will FORGIVE your sin and make you a brand new person.
You can openly declare your belief in and acceptance of Jesus by praying this simple prayer...
That is just a taste of the contents of many, many conversations I had with the men in Sterling Correctional Facility last weekend. Many became believers for the first time by following these steps which led to dozens of further discussions.
I pray that you use these steps to lead someone to Christ today!
Pastor Adam
When you share with others about Jesus, let them know:
God Loves You
- John 3:16 (read it).
- Romans 5:8 (read it).
Everyone Has a Problem
- Romans 3:23 (read it).
- Romans 6:23 (read it).
God Has a Solution
- John 14:6 (read it).
- Acts 10:43 (read it).
- Romans 10:9 (read it).
Tell them:
The Bible, God's Word, promises if you will believe in Him and receive the gift of salvation He offers, He will FORGIVE your sin and make you a brand new person.
You can openly declare your belief in and acceptance of Jesus by praying this simple prayer...
"Father God in Heaven, thank You for giving Your Son, Jesus, to die on the cross in my place. I realize my sin has separated me from You. Please forgive me of my sins. I believe in Your Son, Jesus Christ. I believe You raised Him from the dead. Today, I receive the gift of forgiveness. I now place my trust in Jesus. Thank you for the gift of eternal life. In Jesus' name, Amen!"
That is just a taste of the contents of many, many conversations I had with the men in Sterling Correctional Facility last weekend. Many became believers for the first time by following these steps which led to dozens of further discussions.
I pray that you use these steps to lead someone to Christ today!
Pastor Adam
Posted in Pastor Adam Gomez