Trials & Suffering

Trials and Suffering
Billy Graham once said, “Suffering is part of the human condition, and it comes to us all. The key is how we react to it, either turning away from God in anger and bitterness or growing closer to Him in trust and confidence.”
Suffering and grief are very difficult and hard to understand. As a pastor, I am exposed to suffering and grief on a daily basis. I try to walk people through it, but I don’t fully understand it, nor do I stand in another’s shoes. It is personal and its depth and width is measured by each individual. I have learned that all the theology in the world brings very little comfort to those in the midst of suffering and grief. When I’m going through it, myself, I simply want it to end quickly.
I have walked this road many times in my own life and each time brings me closer to God; mostly because I desperately need Him to daily confirm His immediate presence in the midst of my trial.
Take time today to read to read Psalms 23 today. It reminds us that the Lord walks “with” us through our shadowed valleys. That brings me great comfort!
Have a great week!
Pastor Adam