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Updates on Pastor Fernando

9/03/2024   6:00pm  -  Update
Hello Team Fernando,
Healing from a traumatic brain injury isn’t a straight path with defined stages, it’s a dynamic and often unpredictable journey.  God’s grace and peace have held Fernando in a gentle space for everyone around to notice that he isn’t your typical TBI patient.  His prosocial skills are in tact, he’s sweet, good natured, cooperative and kind even in the midst of being locked inside a body that can’t speak or move without assistance.  This has earned him special visits  from the nurses on the floor bringing him scripture to hang on his wall to encourage him.  Others just stop in to say hello, and he always greets everyone with a thumbs up.
Lately, he’s not been feeling well and has been coughing a lot.  Tests revealed he has MRSA in his lungs and throat and fluid on his lungs.  This is very serious and can be life threatening for him since it can turn sepsis so they are aggressively treating it.  His coughing has also aggravated a hernia and that is causing some discomfort as well.
Fernando is working very hard on his recovery.  Anything he is asked to do, he does double.  That’s just who he is.
Please pray the medication clears his lungs and cures the MRSA so he can get over this hurdle and move forward with his treatment.  Also, please pray against discouragement, he’s been through so much already and the set backs have been very difficult and disappointing for him.  Please pray for all those who are caring for him, especially Daminica, who rarely leaves his side, for rest, peace and comfort as we wait upon the Lord!   WE ARE FERNANDO STRONG
Dallas Harris
8/26/2024   11:15am  -  Update
Hello Team Fernando,
I have been asked by several people to provide an update on Fernando’s progress.  We’re very pleased that Fernando is making slow but steady progress. He is looking more like himself everyday with the facial bruising and swelling almost gone.  He still has significant swelling on the side of his head but that will also go away with time.  He still has no movement on his right side but is opening his left eye and seems to be tracking with it, we won’t know the full extent of the damage or if sight will be regained until later.  He has been working very hard on physical, speech and occupational therapy and has been very cooperative and eager to do whatever he is able to do to overcome and build his strength, balance, and relearn things, such as the ability to form words and use other methods of communication.
Therapy is exhausting for him and is usually followed by long periods of quiet and rest to allow his brain to continue healing and so he can build up stamina for the next go-round. This is why visitation is still limited to immediate family and Pastoral staff, his immune system is compromised, and it would be hard for him to fight off infections that could cause temporary or even permanent delays in his recovery.  For this reason, we will let everyone know when he is able to receive visitors.
Fernando’s hard work and determination paired with Daminica’s consistency in advocating for his needs and counteracting his inactivity by performing moderate intensity aerobic exercise by physically moving his arms and legs several hours a few times a day, has helped to retain his muscle mass and prevent further atrophy in his muscles that would make his overall recovery much more difficult. And surprisingly enough, she did this with a separated shoulder. He also gives her his ice cream in exchange for a massage. Even in this, their teamwork is admirable and speaks volumes of their love for one another.
The family is optimistically hopeful for this next stage of Fernando’s recovery.  We believe this will maximize his physical, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional functioning and Fernando seems ready and up for the challenge.  Once again, we are at the mercy of the insurance company waiting for their approval to move him to the next facility, we expect the move to happen this week.
I choose the words “optimistically hopeful” to describe where I believe we are in this process. Although we continue to believe for a miraculous healing, that is optimism, not hope. Hope does not assure us everything will turn out positively, only that with God, all shall be well. Therefore, all is well, and we give tomorrow to God!
We also experience setbacks from time to time. As I was writing this, I received an update that his trachea is not coming out today as planned, he has a lot of secretion that developed overnight and they are not sure if he has an infection, this may delay his moving over to the other facility and may require treatment.  
Please continue to pray with us for Fernando, for no infection and that trache will come out. For complete restoration and healing, for wisdom for his medical team, for the healing power of plasticity to rewire new pathways to replace the ones that are damaged and for neurological connections to be made on his right side. Also, for perseverance and stamina for Fernando as well as for the entire family as we embark on educating ourselves and learning techniques to help further Fernando’s care in preparation for his return home. Thank you for your support and prayers, they have been carrying us through a lot of very difficult days.  WE ARE FERNANDO STRONG!
Dallas Harris
This is Buckey.  Ferndando loves Buckey.  Notice Buckey is holding a bag of mustard seeds.
8/20/2024   10:05am  -   Update
Great News:  Fernando has been accepted to one of the best neurorehabilitation hospitals in the country.  Thank you for your prayers.  Hopefully, he will move next Tuesday (8/27/24).   Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever  (1 Chronicles 16:34).   FERNANDO STRONG!
Daminica Zamora
8/19/2024   8:00am  -   Update
I made reference in one of my earlier updates on Fernando’s progress of a little turtle that he had given to me as a gift.  It made me think of the journey Fernando had in front of him and how it would require a “slow and steady“ pace to get through what lies ahead.  In response, a good friend sent something afterwords saying, “turtle power” and how it reminded her of the Ninja Turtles her sons watched on TV growing up. 
If you aren’t familiar, they are of course, both ninja’s and turtles, they call them, Hero’s In A Half Shell and since then, I’ve been calling Fernando our “Hero In A Half Shell.”  These four turtles share some things in common with Fernando, for instance they are trained in ninjutsu, Fernando is also trained in martial arts.  The turtles fight against evil, one of them, Donatello, wields a Bo staff when fighting against evil, Fernando wields the Sword of the Spirit.  Leonardo, the leader of the turtle pack is a protector who loves his family and goes to great lengths to protect them, same as Fernando.  Then there’s Michelangelo, he has a great sense of humor and is always up to shenanigans, you guessed it, just like our shenanigator, Fernando.  
I’m super proud of our “Hero in the Half Shell” and although I’m heartbroken he has had to endure ANY of this, I’m thankful for God’s grace giving him the strength to do what the doctors say are unlikely, the faith to rise above the pain and the mounting challenges and the perseverance to press forward even when the road ahead appears long!   You got this, Kid! 
Dallas Harris

"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)
8/18/2024  8:18am  -  A Note from Daminica Zamora
On July 24, 2024, two families' lives changed forever due to a tragic accident.  I watched the man I love take his last breath, leaving me devastated ... but God had other plans.  Last night, I witnessed something breathtakingly beautiful.  My sweet husband, lying in his hospital bed with no way to communicate, wept and sang praises to the Lord with all his might, despite his limitations.  It was the most authentic praise I've ever seen, and it ministered to my heart in ways I can't express.  I believe a song sent by a friend spoke to Fernando's heart and spirit, a testament to his faith, hope, and love for the Lord, even in his darkest hour.    (click here to play the song)
There's nothing more beautiful.  I share this as a reminder of the power of prayer and worship in our darkest moments.  Our family is blessed with amazing prayer warriors who've lifted us up and walked alongside us.  We're grateful for your continued prayers for Fernando's full healing and recovery and for the other young man, who is alive with serious injuries and also has a long recovery ahead.  Please remember him in your prayers.  Everyday is a miracle!   We see the victory!    FERNANDO STRONG!
Thank you God 
Daminica Zamora
And He said to them, “Because of your meager faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you  (Matthew 17:20)
8/16/2024   11:23pm  -  Update
Despair is that emotion that descends upon a person when the future cannot be determined.  It’s like a thick, dark, damp fog that overwhelms a person, and it always arrives at the worst of times.  It is paralyzing and It has the ability to snuff out hope.  I am purposely painting this dark picture in order to offer a small taste of the despair that Daminica and Fernando experienced on Thursday as the neurologist detailed a very discouraging outlook, painting from an even darker palette.
The report?  The neurologist reported to Daminica and Fernando that he was very surprised that he was alive.  He reported that the brain bleeds have been absorbed by the body and that the CAT Scan showed the expected damage.  He encouraged Daminica and Fernando that he is no longer at risk for a stroke.  Unfortunately, he went on to explain that it is very likely that Fernando is about as good as he’s going to get, not likely to regain the ability to speak or to have use of his right arm or his right leg.
Despairing.  Discouraging.  Depressing.
I only have two words in response, "But God."   God always has the last word.
In the well-known hymn, A Mighty Fortress is our God, the reformer, Martin Luther, wrote, “Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing.  Were not the right Man on our side, the Man of God’s own choosing.  Dost ask who that may be?  Christ Jesus, it is He.  Lord Sabaoth His name. From age to age, the same.  And He must win the battle.”   God must win the battle!   God will win the battle!
Daminica wanted me to let you know that Fernando is getting closer to having his tracheotomy tube removed.  He is now able to eat minced foods.  No carne asada, but he'll get there.  He is also moving closer to being transferred to a neurorehabilitation center.
Pastor Adam
8/13/2024   8:00am  -  A  Letter from Kiena Moore
Fernando Zamora is a remarkable man who has made a profound impact on my life.  As a Pastor, construction worker, handyman, Star Wars expert, a movie buff, and father, Fernando has been there for me in my times of need, offering guidance and support.  
He may not have been present for my early years, he may not have seen my first steps or heard my first words, but he has been a constant presence throughout my adolescence and young adulthood, guiding me through the challenges of growing up and teaching me the value of faith and determination, helping me through heartbreak and milestone events like prom, moving out, my baptism and graduating high school.
He was a strong sturdy wall to scare the boys that didn’t need to be in my life away, a hand to hold when I would lose my way from my path in the lord, a shoulder to cry on with dad jokes when I got my heart shattered by boys, and a goal to become when I grow up.
I am forever grateful for his unwavering support and the many lessons he has taught me throughout my life.   WE ARE FERNANDO STRONG!
Kieana Moore
 Fernando & Kieana
8/12/2024   1:40pm  -  Update
Support for someone close to you requires hanging in there for them, staying connected with them, and fighting for them the way that they would fight for you. That is the mindset that I keep when supporting Fernando and Daminica.  I constantly ask myself,  “What would I want done for me in this situation?”
While visiting Fernando yesterday, we engaged in “knucklehead” activity!  At one point I had him painfully smiling bigger than he is probably supposed to be smiling and laughing from his gut as much as he is able to make the sound of laughter through his vocal cords.  I showed him a series of pictures of our congregation and he zoomed in on several faces.  He misses every one of you!
We played thumb war and every time I thought I had him beat, he’d quickly lock the tip of my thumb in place and look at me as if to declare, “C’mon, bro!”   We are very competitive with each other!   I’ll beat him yet!
I asked him if he was ready to preach and he swiftly and powerfully raised his left arm in the air with a closed fist, pumping it up and down as if to say, “I’ve been ready since 1978!”
We had a great “conversation” as he is able to clearly answer questions with a thumbs up or down or a side-to-side gesture with his hand to indicate a maybe.  He motioned for a drink of water at one point and I learned that he is able to drink water through a straw which he does with excellence!  I reminded him that it’s a far cry from his iced coffees that he absolutely loves!   He gave me the look, lol.
I watched his eyes look past me at his bride, Daminica, the way that he looked at her on their wedding day. His eyes locked onto her like a fighter jet locks onto a target.  He knows who loves him best.  She needs your continued prayers for comfort, strength, faith, and endurance.
Daminica asks for specific prayers that there would be no blood clots as the hemorrhaging in the brain dissipates.  She also asks for specific prayers for his right arm and legs to begin responding to his desire to move them. She asks that you also pray for his tongue and throat to allow food to be distributed appropriately so that he can start the eating process again.  She is overwhelmed by everyone’s love and support and is very appreciative of everyone’s consistent prayer for them and their family.
A good friend will walk beside you.  Not ahead of you or behind you, but right in step with you; especially during difficult times.  Let’s continue to be good friends to Fernando and Daminica as they weather this storm!
Pastor Adam
 Fernando & Friends
at 2023 Christmas Party
8/08/2024  9:54am  -  Update
Greetings Team Fernando!
Our family appreciates you following Fernando’s progress and celebrating all of the small victories with us a long the way.  Every day we have seen victory and we love sharing all that God is doing through this tragedy and giving ALL the praise and glory to God!  There is also another side to the coin that I don’t always choose to share, but it is our reality just the same.  Every single person who has ever experienced a serious brain injury, like Fernando, also has a recovery journey just as unique as they are.  Recovery is not a linear process, it can often be a very long, slow process filled with daily and weekly fluctuations.  There are good days that fill us with hope.  There are much needed rest days where although we don’t see any visible change, we know God is still working and healing and then, there are other days that are just really, really hard, for all involved.  
There is no set time frame or expectations with these severe types of brain injuries and in some cases, recovery can take years and our journey as a family has just begun.  So, although we continue to pray without ceasing, trusting and believing God for a miracle healing, the reality is, Daminica still has to go home at the end of each day without her husband.  The life they just began to build together has been put on hold, indefinitely, and it’s heartbreaking and extremely hard!  She is also receiving treatment for her own injuries and working towards recovery in preparation for a time where it might be necessary for her to provide care for her husband.  
Fernando’s kids miss him, he has always been very engaged in all of their lives and has his own special and unique relationship with each one of them, and it’s hard!  Fernando holds a very important role not only in our family but in his community as well.  I miss my son, his friends miss their brother, Crossroads Church misses one of their Pastors, and all of this is hard!
Even so, God continues to pour out His grace on us each and every day, He is faithful to carry us through whatever each day holds.  We continue to rejoice and are overjoyed with every little victory.  We praise God for His goodness as we trust Him with the outcome even when it’s hard!  
I will be returning to work on Monday so I will not be providing daily updates.  Instead, I will be sharing when Fernando meets significant and important benchmarks, that way we can continue to rejoice and celebrate the victories together!  There may be occasional updates from Pastor Adam as well so please continue to check back for those and please, continue to pray for full healing and restoration of Fernando’s mind, body and spirit and for perseverance and endurance for the entire family.   WE ARE FERNANDO STRONG!
Dallas Harris
 Pastor Fernando
8/07/2024  7:33am  -  Update
Hello Team Fernando!
This evening as I began to decompress and reflect on the events of the day, a word that kept coming to my mind was, “triumph.”  As Christians, our goal is to live in a daily state of surrender and since this tragic accident, this has meant literally trusting from one minute to the next that where God has placed us, He will also lead us in triumph!  Most of our days spent in the Acute Care Center have been incredibly tough while others have been more manageable, but each day is part of on ongoing process that we are committed to for the long-haul.  We remain hopeful and prayerful for Fernando’s full recovery and Fernando himself is a true testament of a man who diligently places his trust in the Lord, believing the Lord will triumph over his life!
Today we got to see Fernando triumph over adversity, remaining in an awakened state for a good part of the day and continually awed his therapy team to the point they dubbed him their “STAR STUDENT.”  He was able to demonstrate his ability to unzip and zip a zipper, unlace a shoestring, undo buckles and follow certain commands.  His personality is also shinning through as he continually and purposefully exceeds their expectations by over achieving the tasks given him, with excellence, Fernando style!
He is able to take Daminica’s watch off her wrist, hold it up to his eye and scroll through apps.  He recognizes and acknowledges people he knows by offering up his hand to say, hello, I see you and attempts a smile! It appears he is able to understand both English and Spanish and he is beginning to open his right eye periodically.  He was able to swallow on his own and chew on ice chips when they capped off his trachea, this is important because once he’s able to demonstrate he can protect his own airways, they will remove the trachea and it’s been a huge source of discomfort.  Fernando continued to amaze us throughout the day and we are overjoyed with his progress!  God is good!!!
Please continue to pray with us for a triumphal healing of his brain and that he regains movement on his right side and vision in his left eye, also for physical strength and endurance for the days and months ahead!   WE ARE FERNANDO STRONG!
Dallas Harris
 Pastor Fernando & Pastor John
8/06/2024  9:40am  -  Update
Hello Team Fernando!
It’s been fourteen days since the accident where we found ourselves facing what appeared to be an impossible situation.  During the first week, the light at the end of the tunnel appeared more like a mirage in the desert. But, in our greatest hour of need, the power of unified prayer, anchored in unwavering faith began to bring forth little nuggets of hope, transcending our limited human understanding.
Every single day we experience moments of insufficiency, disbelief of the situation we’re in and feeling totally unequipped for the task at hand.  But, in our weakness, I see God’s power working! I see His power within Daminica as she ever so tenderly sits by her husband’s bedside, tending to his most intimate needs.  I see his cousin, Norma holding his hand to bring him comfort when he’s in pain. I see loving acts of kindness from all of their kids and how they have rallied to be a source of support for Daminica, as well as for Fernando.  I see faithful and steadfast friends, laying  hands on him and praying earnestly and fervently for his healing, celebrating the tiny victories along with us.
We are in a battle and we know our strength is worthless, instead, we rely on our ability to surrender to God’s plan, trusting that He can make a way where there seems to be no way.  We are beyond grateful for all of your prayers, love, the financial support and all of the good wishes and positive vibes being sent our way.  
Daminica is especially enjoying reading all the cards that have been sent and the encouragement she receives when she reads the posts on how Fernando has touched so many lives, in so many different ways. She is in awe of your generosity, its a huge blessing to the entire family and it’s what is carried all of us  through this difficult time.  We are beyond grateful!
Prayer requests are for Fernando’s lungs to clear and lab work results to come back negative for infection.  We are hoping they will be able to  remove his trachea soon and for the swelling in his brain to continue to go down which will hopefully help activate his right side and help it become more responsive.  Also, for his vision in the left eye to be restored.  Please keep the hospital staff in prayer as well, for compassion when treating Fernando and for the Lord to guide them in his care.
Please pray Fernando can get responsive enough and is able to answer yes and no questions with a thumbs up/down, which is the goal to get him over to Craig Hospital for more specialized treatment.
Praises - Fernando worked very hard through his therapy and was able stay in an awakened state for longer periods of time.  He is beginning to show signs of being able to follow some simple commands and was able to lift his head and move towards Daminica to receive/give a kiss.  It was heartwarming to see that!   May God richly blessed you all,   WE ARE FERNANDO STRONG!
Dallas Harris
 Fernando and his good friend David
8/05/2024   5:30pm   -   A Letter from Pastor Adam
My Friend and Brother, Fernando
Yesterday was probably one of the most difficult times I had visiting my friend and brother in Christ, Fernando Zamora. The realization of helplessness came over me, alongside the feeling of responsibility for being unable to simply get him out of this situation. We have always had each other’s backs. We have always been immediately available for each other whenever an unexpected difficulty arose. This is different. Fernando doesn’t need my physical strength. He doesn’t need my cerebral abilities. He doesn’t even need my advice. I am helpless to him.
As I squeezed his hand and asked him to squeeze back I thought of our handshakes. I always tell him, “Shake another man’s hand with firmness, but without causing pain.” After saying this one day, he showed me a technique for loosening a painful handshake from someone showing off their grip strength. It works!
I talked to him yesterday the way that I would talk to him if he were able to verbally respond. He is able to give me a crooked smile (like Elvis) and look at me through his badly damaged right eye. His response says, “I’m here, bro. I’m listening.”
I miss my friend’s voice. I miss his wisdom. I miss his encouragement. I miss his faith in God. I miss his humor. I miss his sarcasm. I miss his protective presence and his ability to talk me off the ledge. I miss his non-manly, iced coffees. I miss his love and passion for the word of God. I miss his orchestra movie soundtracks that he would play in his office. I miss his servanthood. I miss everything about him that makes him Fernando.
Psalms 27 came to mind during my visit. I pulled out my phone and read the whole chapter with boldness and volume. He stared right at me the whole time. The first verse of Psalms 27 reads, “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
The Lord is Fernando’s light and salvation.  The Lord is the strength of his life.  I am confident that Fernando is fighting this battle with all of his might alongside His Lord.  Please don’t forget to fight alongside them in fervent prayer.  The battle is the Lord’s!
Pastor Adam
Fernando in depth thought at New Port Beach
8/05/2024   7:41am  -  Update
Greetings, Team Fernando!
Daminica has been referring to the past couple of days as, "The Calm Before The Storm".  Getting Fernando moved and settled was an answer to prayer in itself.  Yesterday was a bit rocky as they worked to get him situated and settled but by evening, when it came time to say goodnight, we prayed over him as usual, and then left him peaceful and as comfortable as possible.  
Today begins a pretty exhaustive regiment of treatment to start the cortical remapping of his brain and working on keeping his muscle mass up.  We are excited and expectant of what the forecast will look like over the next few days, weeks and months.  We are steadied in knowing that behind the build up of precipitation and the swirling clouds, there is a power beyond our control, a finger pointing these storms along their proper course.  We’ve endured through many storms and God has always shown himself faithful in the wake of such great forces, so know the sun will come out and shine again!
Please keep prayers going throughout the day for strength, and divine resilience for Fernando as he starts his rigorous routine and journey back to us.   WE ARE FERNANDO STRONG!
Dallas Harris 
Fernando is a "Big Deal"
8/03/2024   8:34pm  -  Update
Hello Team Fernando!
Today was the day Fernando was approved to move from the ICU at the hospital to the ICU unit at the acute rehabilitation center.  Over the next couple of days he will be evaluated by a team of interdisciplinary clinicians, including physical medicine rehab physicians, internal medicine physicians, physical and occupational therapists, speech-language pathologies and rehabilitation nurses.  They will work together to create a high level of personal care and devise a plan to help speed recovery and promote better long-term results.  We were told the neurologist will be introducing a Multi-drug Cocktail therapy that improves neurological function and aid in firing up Fernando’s brain as they begin to introduce multiple types of therapy.
This will occur several times a day followed by one hour of brain rest in a quiet, dark room with no disturbances.  This will be a hard and exhaustive fight for Fernando as his brain begins to reboot but we know he will not be fighting alone, we serve a God whose spirit can and will pierce through the hardest of days and the darkest of nights.
Our prayer request remain for the complete healing of his brain, reduction of the swelling and for vision to be restored in his left eye and that he regains movement on his right side.  He is also having difficulty with fluid build up in his lungs and they are having to clear his trachea frequently which is quite distressing.  We need healing prayer for his lungs to clear.  
Please also pray for wisdom for the doctors and nurses treating him and that it will be done with love and compassion.  Please pray for rest, strength and endurance and continued healing for Daminica and prayers for the entire Zamora family are greatly appreciated.  We are FERNANDO STRONG!
Dallas Harris 

Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one has found a treasure. Faithful friends are beyond price; no amount can balance their worth. Faithful friends are life saving medicine, and those who fear the Lord will find them"  Ecclesiasticus 6: 14-16
Daminica and Pastor Fernando
"Do not fear, for the Lord your God is the One fighting for you"  (Deut 3:22)
8/02/2024   8:10pm  -  Update
Hello Team Fernando!
Today Fernando’s right eye appeared to be tracking and he appeared be trying to turn his head ever so slightly towards sound.  Pastor Adam was visiting and thought he saw Fernando smile. This was confirmed later by Daminica when she went in and saw him smile as well.  We are hopeful this means that the facial nerve that allows for various facial expressions is in tact. 
We still need prayer for the insurance authorization to go through so Fernando can transfer to a care facility where he can receive acute care, the sooner this can happen the higher probability of recovery is possible.  Also, we still need prayer for vision to be restored in the right eye and for his right side to regain movement and the swelling of his brain to come down quickly. 
Side note:  News of the Pastor in the ICU is quickly spreading through the hospital grapevine. Rumor has it, there is a lot of praying, preaching and praising happening in his room and it’s stirring up some curiosity.   Praising our way to victory!  We are FERNANDO STRONG! 
Dallas Harris 
Pastor Adam & Pastor Fernando
"Wherever life takes us, we'll always be brothers."
8/01/2024   8:50pm  -  Update
We have a song of praise to share today!  We knew something pretty big had happened when Fernando’s physical therapy doctor literally came dancing into the waiting area, grinning from ear to ear, to share that Fernando had opened his right eye and moved his left leg and arm on command.  His right side was also moving more in response to pain.  So what does this mean?  It means that after seven days of being in an altered state of consciousness, Fernando is waking up!!!!!!
Side note: George, Fernando’s youngest son, had predicted something good was going to happen on the seventh day and we knows the number seven is significant in the Bible and symbolizes completion or perfection.  The doctors agree, Fernando completed the test to their satisfaction and they are now in agreement that what they saw today is not just spontaneous movement but purposeful movement in response to their external stimuli.  Afterwards Daminica, Norma (Fernando’s cousin) and I were excited to get in there and see for ourselves.  Sure enough, we asked him to open his eye and for a brief second he did.  He continued to try several more times and I can’t begin to describe the insurmountable joy and excitement that filled the room.  Just these small tasks absolutely exhaust Fernando and he still requires a lot of rest so that his brain can continue to heal.  Today, was a good day!
Our prayer request for today is that the approval from the insurance company comes through so we can get Fernando moved to the long term care facility either tomorrow or Monday at the latest.  There he will be able to get more specialized treatment and therapy.  Please also be in prayer for his brain and vision to be restored to full function and in the days ahead as he becomes more cognitive that God will give him the strength and resilience to overcome any and all challenges ahead.  We are so grateful to God and all the friends and family who are invested in his recovery process.   We are FERNANDO STRONG!
Dallas Harris 
Pastor Fernando
"A servant of the Most High"
7/31/2024   7:51pm  -  Update
Waiting!  There is a weight in waiting and we’ve been doing a lot of it lately.  The family is so grateful for everyone that has helped to bear this weight, either through prayer, financial support, bringing meals to the hospital or just sitting with us in the wait.
Today was a relatively quiet day with no real visible change in Fernando’s condition.  He is still sleeping and not quite ready to wake up yet.  He did get his helmet today so they can get his physical therapy started soon and they were able to sit him up in a reclined position for a while.  He was also off the ventilator for most of the day, breathing on his own.
He did get accepted to PAM Rehabilitation Hospital and the plan is to move him either Friday or possibly Monday.  There he will still receive ICU level care as they continue to try to rouse him out of his vegetated state.  That is really the next step, we are literally waiting for Fernando to wake up and once he can react and communicate in a purposeful way, then he has entered into the next stage of recovery. Please continue to pray for restored vision in his left eye and for his right side to get moving.
Also, please keep Daminica in your prayers as well.  She saw the doctor today and has limited range of motion in her neck, arms and shoulders and a lot of soft tissue damage, and will require treatment for her injuries.  
Faith is waiting/weighting for the answer, understanding that sometimes the answer is delayed but we know that in God’s plan, timing is crucial so we sit, we wait and we pray!   We are FERNANDO STRONG!
Dallas Harris 
Psalm 40:1 says, “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry” (NIV).
Daminica & Fernando
"Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite" 
7/31/2024   9:44am   -  Update
Hello Team Fernando.
Sometimes  a miracle  happens through a series of small little victories and that is what we’re seeing, small but significant victories.  For the past few days the surgeon has been talking with us and preparing us for Fernando’s next surgery to repair the fractures in his face.  We were told the surgery was necessary to prevent deformity of his face and so he would be able to chew.  It needed to happen soon before the bones had a chance to set. Today the surgeon came in and appeared to be a bit bewildered with some news he had to share. He told us surgery was no longer necessary, after a new scan showed bones in Fernando’s face are now aligned and the fractures should heal themselves in 8 - 10 weeks. The best part was the surgeon couldn’t really give an explanation for this victory but he was still very excited to share the news with us.  Of course, WE know victory comes from our Lord, Jesus Christ!
Some other small victories today included Fernando opening his right eye for 10 seconds and the doctor was able to confirm he is tracking light.  He flexed his right arm and at one point scrunched up his face, moving his facial muscles. The brain bleed has stopped, he has been placed on blood thinners to prevent clots and the swelling is slowly going down.
Our PRAYER REQUESTS are that Fernando’s vision in his left eye will be restored.  The doctor said it is highly unlikely he will ever regain his vision in that eye.  We need  prayer for full movement to be restored on his right side and continued prayer for the Long term care facility.  Daminica did submit a referral to Craig but there is a waiting list with 50 people ahead of us.  Our prayer though is not our will Lord, but YOUR’S!  
Fernando has reached a point in his recovery where he is no longer deemed critical but rather, stable but non-responsive. The goal now is to rouse him from unconsciousness. This is a very heartbreaking process for us but necessary for his recovery.  It involves using painful stimuli in an attempt to arouse him conscience while cutting off all pain medication in the process.  It’s obvious he is in a great deal of pain while this is occurring so please appeal to our God of all comfort for mercy and compassion. This “therapy” will take place several times throughout the day for a period of 20 minutes, followed by a time of rest introducing in things to stimulate his senses of touch, hearing and vision such as, playing his favorite music, having very intentional conversation of things he may recall and asking him to perform tasks such as giving a thumbs up, anything that can’t be considered just a spontaneous movement.
This is really the biggest prayer need of all.   FERNANDO NEEDS TO WAKE UP!   Also, during this time they will only be allowing close family and Pastoral staff in his room, it is very common when someone wakes from TBI, to have intense confusion, agitation, combativeness and other unusual behaviors like slurred speech, disorientation, memory loss and inability to recognize people.  Once Fernando wakes up the real work begins. Thank you for remaining vigilant.   We are FERNANDO STRONG!
Dallas Harris 
7/30/2024  5:00pm    -   A Letter from Daminica Zamora
I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who has been supporting us over the past few days.  We have received so many prayers and kind words of encouragement.  We are overwhelmed by all the love and support on behalf of my husband, myself and our entire family.   God is so good!  Fernando is being prayed over around the country.  The army of brothers and sisters in Christ who are covering him in prayer for healing, is in itself, miracle from the Lord.  We give God all the Glory and we see His goodness in all of this. My name is Daminica, and I have the honor of being Fernando’s wife, he is a kind and loving man, unbelievably funny and he makes me laugh daily.  He is a shenanigator, and those that know him well, are well aware of his love of shenanigans!
What I love most about Fernando is his huge heart and his love and concern for others.  He is a devoted man of God with unwavering faith in the Lord and a passion to teach and share the Word of God with everyone he meets.  He is a wonderful husband, a beautiful person and an absolute gift from the Lord, he loves me, prays for me and I am better and stronger with him by my side. He also loves and invests in each one of our kids, Fernando JR., Emily, Michael, Lucas, Kieana and George.  He loves his family and he loves all of you too!
Fernando is very strong, physically and spiritually but his greatest strength comes from the Lord!  Fernando is well aware of what is takes to overcome the hardships and challenges of this world.  He knows it requires clinging to the truth and the promises of the living, breathing Word of God.  He is a man of fervent prayer, who can often be found on his knees at the feet of Jesus.
Please continue to pray with us for his complete and total healing.   I plead with God daily for mercy and healing and I say each day, “Lord, today is a good day for a miracle!   ”We will see victory!”  In Jesus’s mighty name.
Daminica Zamora

Romans 8:26 “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words".
7/29/2024   11:55pm  -  Update
This Turtle is one of many gifts Fernando has given me over the years.  Gift giving is one of Fernando's love languages and as I happened to run across it today, I couldn’t help but think of the fable, “The Tortoise and The Hare.”   The moral of the story is, “slow and steady wins the race.”  It’s an aphorism that means consistent effort or slow, productive progress leads to success.  Also, In many cultures the Tortoise represents a safe haven for the spirit, where one can go to find peace and tranquility.
Fernando WILL win this race.  Most likely at a slow and steady pace, waiting on the Lord’s perfect timing and resting in the safe haven of the Most High.  We are trusting implicitly in His power to get Fernando across the finish line for the GLORY OF HIS NAME!
I want to share some of today’s highlights.  The surgery to insert the feeding tube and tracheotomy was successful.  Fernando’s cousin, Pibe called and was able to pray over Fernando in Spanish.  His response to Pibe’s voice was the strongest reaction we’ve seen out of him yet.  This gave us a lot of hope that Fernando either recognized his voice or knew he was someone special to him.
George was holding his hand and squeezing it, on and off in a pattern sequence, and Fernando would squeeze back, repeating the pattern.  These are all pieces of the miracle unfolding, slow but steady!
Please continue to pray for God to open the door for Fernando to be accepted to Craig Hospital, but also that we would not trust in our own plans of where the right place might be, but rather trust God to put him where the right people are so he can make the most productive progress that will lead to his success.
Dallas Harris 
This Turtle is one of many gifts Fernando has given me over the years.  
7/29/2024   11:00am  -  Update
Hello Team Fernando.
We have a prayer request.  We just heard from the hospital advocate informing us they are beginning preparations for Fernando’s long term care.  The hospital’s policy, specifically for ICU patients,  is that patients can only remain in ICU care for a limited amount of time.  Therefore, they are sending out referrals to a number of hospitals that provide ICU level care and long-term rehab.  One of these hospitals is Craig Hospital, known to be one of the best in the nation for brain trauma care and rehab but unfortunately they may not accept Fernando since he is not at a level of responsiveness to fully be able to benefit from their care at this time.  We would really like to get him the best care possible and feel this can best be achieved at Craig.  At the very least that he can be put on a waiting list and will meet their requirements sooner than later.  
Thank you for your faithfulness to breakdown doors on Fernando’s behalf and continuing to intercede for blessing, favor and healing!  Also, his surgery to put in the feeding tube and perform the tracheotomy was rescheduled for today at noon.  Please pray this is successful and provides a new level of comfort for him as he continues to heal.
Dallas Harris 
7/28/2024   10:35pm  -  Update
I could hardly wait to share today’s news after a rather bleak report yesterday.  Grace FM put out a prayer over the radio calling for a prayer of healing for Fernando and we’ve been receiving calls over the past few days from the Calvary Chapels around the country as well as ministries as far away as Mexico, the Philippine's and Uganda, all saying they are unified with us in prayer for a miracle healing.
We started seeing a glimpse of that miracle beginning to take shape today.
The past couple of days have been quiet, rest days with as little stimulation as possible and limiting visitors to family and a few of his closest friends. This seems to have helped improve Fernando’s overall well being.  When we arrived at the hospital this morning we were told it was a pretty calm night with no big changes, that’s always good news but when we walked into Fernando’s room, we were surprised to see he was out of his gown.  We thought this odd and began wondering what might have happened.  When the nurse came in, she explained that Fernando kept ripping his gown off during the night.  She tried a few times to put it back on but he continued to rip it off so she decided to leave if off.  We couldn’t figure out why he would be doing this but his son, Lucas, put the puzzle together when he said,  “that’s how he sleeps.”   We all had an ah-ha moment and that made perfect sense.  He also moved his right foot in such a way they were able to rule out it being a spontaneous movement and agreed it was an intentional movement on his part.  We were very pleased because this could possibly mean the motor neurons connected to his brain are sending signals to his muscles to produce movement.
Fernando’s cousin, Norma was holding his hand when he began fidgeting with her ring.  Later, Daminica was holding his hand and he started to fidget with her ring as well.  One theory is that he is trying to figure out who is holding his hand so he’s feeling for something recognizable to help him identify people.  This is good because it could possibly mean his fine motor skills in his left hand are in tact.
Tomorrow (Monday) @ 9:30 am they will proceed with removing his breathing tube and performing the tracheotomy.  At the same time they will be inserting a feeding tube.  Please pray all goes well with these procedures and they will be helpful in furthering his recovery.
Daminica is experiencing nightmares with vivid images of the night of the accident and could use your prayers.  And while she is heartbroken over the situation, the Lord is giving her the strength to endure.  She has been touched by the outpouring of love and support and feels your prayers.
Dallas Harris 
7/27/2024   8:30pm  -  Update
Today Daminica was able to meet with the neurosurgeon team and their plan is to remove the existing drain, not because it quit working but because it's located in the wrong place so it isn't an effective way to drain the blood off the brain.  At this point, it’s more of a risk for infection and they aren’t able to insert a new drain because it is too risky to be poking around in there.  As a result, the swelling that was mostly contained to the left side of his head has now spread to the right side and the brain bleed which is causing the intracranial pressure and buildup of blood and swelling which is pushing his brain off center is still a huge concern as well.
They are planning to remove the breathing tube in the next day or two.  He has been breathing with only 30 percent assistance from the machine and leaving it in for too long has the potential to cause long term damage to the esophagus and possible vocal cord paralysis.  Once they remove the breathing tube they will be performing a tracheotomy and will be putting in a feeding tube to help combat his weight loss.
He has multiple fractures in his face which requires more surgery.  They will use  steel plates to reconstruct his face.  This will enable him to chew, swallow and talk.  This needs to happen as soon as he is stable enough to undergo surgery and before things have a chance to set in place.
As you can imagine, we are heartbroken that he has to go through all of this and Daminica is doing everything she can to assure he will get all the care and treatment necessary to aid in his recovery.  It may be weeks or months before we know the full extent of his injuries or what type of care will be needed.
These are some very specific ways you can unite with us in prayer for Fernando's healing and restoration, with hearts ignited and an expectation for the miraculous works God desires to perform in our midst.
Dallas Harris  (Fernando’s mom-in-law)
7/26/2024   9:00pm  -  Update
We received some news today from one of the neurosurgeons that was present the night Fernando was brought in who was part of his surgical team.  He shared some concerns that are an area of need to concentrate our prayers towards. There is a bleed in his brain they are having difficulty containing, this is creating a midline shift which is pushing things over the centerline of the brain to the other side, this is not good. They also had to remove one drain because it wasn’t working.  The remaining drain now needs to do the work of two and has to operate with 100 percent proficiency to keep the pressure off his brain.  I have been learning to lean on God in a way I never imagined, praying that His power and love will strengthen me to face the impossible.  God has been faithful to show the positive through the storm and today, Fernando appears to be responding to mine and the kids voice by squeezing our hand.  This is confirmation that our prayers are the foundation of hope and strength.
Fernando is a warrior and as he continues to fight for his life, our family is so grateful to have you fighting along with us and for the outpouring of love, prayers and support.  Please stay vigilant in prayer for his complete recovery.  We love you all so much.
Daminica Zamora
7/26/2024   7:30am  -  Update
Pastor Fernando is still in the ICU and remains sedated and intubated.  There has not been much change since being transferred from the Operating Room in the early hours of Thursday morning.  Daminica and their family have expressed their overwhelming appreciation for your prayers and support.  Daminica asks that everyone specifically pray for a speedy reduction of the swelling of his brain, for regained ability to move the right side of his body, and, ultimately, for a full recovery.  We serve a Mighty God who is able to do abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine.
Pastor Adam Gomez 
7/25/2024   9:00am
Last night Pastor Fernando and his wife Daminica were involved in a car accident involving a motorcycle smashing into their car on the driver's side where Fernando was sitting. The motorcycle rider went through the driver's side window and his helmet hit Fernando on the left side of his head, fracturing his skull. He is recovering from major surgery at this time. Daminica is pretty banged up, but is stable and has been released. She will need our overwhelming support and prayers. A number of people gathered at the hospital last night to pray and to be with Daminica and their children. Please keep them in your prayers as well. They are going to need them.  We will learn more as the hours and days pass. I will keep our church family updated as best I can as pertinent information emerges.
Please be patient and kind as the family is living through this unfortunate tragedy. The healing process will take time once Fernando is out of the woods. You may send cards of encouragement to the church. We will be sure that they are delivered. The family is requesting privacy at this time as they are still processing this blow. We are a very tight-knit church family.  We share our contact information freely with each other and therefore have easy access to each other at a drop of a hat.  Please be considerate when deciding to reach out to Daminica at this time.  I will make myself available for your calls, texts, and emails and will respond to every single one of them.
It is time to be the family of God and to rally around the Zamora family. I woke up this morning with these words from the Apostle Paul to the church at Corinth, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Corinthians 3-4).  
Pray.  Fast, if that is what you do.  Seek the face of God on behalf of our brother, Fernando, and his family.  Comfort each other as the God of mercies comforts us.
Pastor Adam Gomez