Prepping, Planning, and Organizing
I am a natural prepper, planner, and organizer. I tend to look ahead to the next week, the next month, the next quarter, the next year, five years down the line, ten years, etc. I prep, plan, and organize my life to accomplish the tasks ahead of me with efficiency and excellence. That’s just who I am.
Since I married a prepper, planner, and organizer, our lives are constantly lived with our noses in our calendars and planners.
I am not only a prepper, planner, and organizer when it comes to my schedule, I am a PPO when it comes to my systems and methods of doing things. I like to be precisely organized prior to building something or putting something together. If a part or piece is missing, the project simply cannot move forward. When I clean the house, grill, clean my yard, hang and fold my clothes, I PPO in order to achieve efficiency and organization. It’s just how I’m built!
I’m also a person of routine and ritual. Once I have established a pattern, I tend to stick to it and can be very stubborn to learn another way of doing something. This diligence to prep, plan, and organize has paved roads in every job that I’ve ever had since my youth.
I have a knack for being introduced to a mess and figuring out how to fix it. It’s natural to me. You know why? Because I am a prepper, planner, and organizer!
1 Chronicles 1 28:1 says, “David summoned all the officials of Israel to assemble at Jerusalem: the officers over the tribes, the commanders of the divisions in the service of the king, the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds, and the officials in charge of all the property and livestock belonging to the king and his sons, together with the palace officials, the warriors and all the brave fighting men” (1 Chronicles 28:1).
With the help of this assembled team, David prepared, planned, and organized a roadmap for Solomon to follow in order to build a monument to God in Jerusalem; a permanent home for the Ark of the Covenant and a Holy place for the presence of God to dwell amongst His people. David said, “All this I have in writing as a result of the Lord’s hand on me, and he enabled me to understand all the details of the plan” (1 Chronicles 28:19).
When I was a kid, my mother made a physical altar to kneel and pray on. It was made out of wood and stood about 18 inches tall. It was a simple, nailed together, non-decorative square box. She attached thick foam padding on one side of the box which became the top, and covered the foam padding with blue felt, attaching the material with decorative fabric fasteners. She prepared, planned, and organized a place to worship her God, and her children watched and heard her worship and pray out loud for her family, friends, and community every morning.
That piece of furniture is long gone, but the vivid memory deeply and immediately impacts me.
In the hurry of our lives, let’s take a moment to prep, plan, and organize a designated time and place to worship and pray to our God.
Pastor Adam
Since I married a prepper, planner, and organizer, our lives are constantly lived with our noses in our calendars and planners.
I am not only a prepper, planner, and organizer when it comes to my schedule, I am a PPO when it comes to my systems and methods of doing things. I like to be precisely organized prior to building something or putting something together. If a part or piece is missing, the project simply cannot move forward. When I clean the house, grill, clean my yard, hang and fold my clothes, I PPO in order to achieve efficiency and organization. It’s just how I’m built!
I’m also a person of routine and ritual. Once I have established a pattern, I tend to stick to it and can be very stubborn to learn another way of doing something. This diligence to prep, plan, and organize has paved roads in every job that I’ve ever had since my youth.
I have a knack for being introduced to a mess and figuring out how to fix it. It’s natural to me. You know why? Because I am a prepper, planner, and organizer!
1 Chronicles 1 28:1 says, “David summoned all the officials of Israel to assemble at Jerusalem: the officers over the tribes, the commanders of the divisions in the service of the king, the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds, and the officials in charge of all the property and livestock belonging to the king and his sons, together with the palace officials, the warriors and all the brave fighting men” (1 Chronicles 28:1).
With the help of this assembled team, David prepared, planned, and organized a roadmap for Solomon to follow in order to build a monument to God in Jerusalem; a permanent home for the Ark of the Covenant and a Holy place for the presence of God to dwell amongst His people. David said, “All this I have in writing as a result of the Lord’s hand on me, and he enabled me to understand all the details of the plan” (1 Chronicles 28:19).
When I was a kid, my mother made a physical altar to kneel and pray on. It was made out of wood and stood about 18 inches tall. It was a simple, nailed together, non-decorative square box. She attached thick foam padding on one side of the box which became the top, and covered the foam padding with blue felt, attaching the material with decorative fabric fasteners. She prepared, planned, and organized a place to worship her God, and her children watched and heard her worship and pray out loud for her family, friends, and community every morning.
That piece of furniture is long gone, but the vivid memory deeply and immediately impacts me.
In the hurry of our lives, let’s take a moment to prep, plan, and organize a designated time and place to worship and pray to our God.
Pastor Adam
Posted in Pastor Adam Gomez